The Market

Park Right is a parking management and transportation company located in New York City which operates multiple parking garages and lots located throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn and Long Island, New York. NYC is one of the most densely populated cities in the United States. Manhattan alone has over 1,100 parking garages and surface lots providing well over 100,000 parking spaces and it is still difficult, and sometimes seemingly, impossible to find a place to park.

The Challenge

Before coming to Space Genius, Park Right first began taking “phone” reservations after repeated requests from a growing number of their regular customers. While wildly popular, this added service was extremely time consuming, difficult to manage, and often frustrating and costly when spaces were saved and parkers failed to show up.

Park Right needed to find an easy-to-manage, cost effective, customer friendly, automated answer if it were to continue to provide its parkers with the option to “reserve” their parking space in advance. That is when Park Right reached out to Space Genius and became our customer.

The Solution

By seamlessly embedding Space Genius Software’s real-time, white-label, capacity controlled, Centralized Reservations System (CRS) on their website and integrating its multi-channel reservations functionality with their operational procedures, Park Right found the golden ticket to serving their customers.

The Results

Today, with Park Right’s integrated Space Genius parking reservation system and Google smartMAP feature, customers can easily select an available space at any one of Park Right’s multiple facilities and, in as little as sixty seconds, make a pre-paid reservation which guarantees their spot – 24/7. At some locations, they can even schedule and pre-pay for additional services like car detailing, as well.

Initially tested at one garage, the Space Genius parking reservation system was so successful and well received by both company employees and the public, that the remaining facilities were quickly added. The number of reservations continues to grow each month, especially at those near “event venues” like the Javits Center and Barclay Centers, Yankee Stadium and the Manhattan Cruise Terminal.